Becoming an Online Authority Three Easy Writing Steps

How your writing can make you an online authority
April 30, 2020 7:27 pm Published by

It’s not always easy getting seen online! Search engine optimisation, or SEO, has helped us to break down a few tips and tricks to get us started. However, becoming an online authority can sometimes seem like a battle.

There are a few ways in which you can start to make your presence known on the web, regardless of your field of expertise. Getting seen online and widely read by regular visitors isn’t always a case of using the right keywords. You don’t always have to use the right links or phrases. Here are three brilliant ways for you to start making yourself known to your wider public online.

Content is King

Your SEO strategy may be perfect. You may be receiving regular website traffic. Everything might seem golden! However, you still need to check whether or not the people who visit you are engaged enough.

On your journey to becoming an online authority, you will need to be consistent and concise with how you write your content. Is your content making a difference in people’s lives? Do you discuss anything new or offer opinions which merit listening to?

Consider the power of ‘evergreen’ content, too. Evergreen or authority content is that which can still be relevant to read about in several years. Pinning your blog posts and content down to a specific date and time will reduce your chances of being discovered and quoted for years to come. Write on topics and themes which are likely to last a lifetime or for a few years at least!

Expand Your Network

There’s plenty of use in linking to authority sites in your content here and there. Doing so can help to establish your worth as a writer who reads widely and backs up their opinions. But how do you get linked back in return? It’s a good idea to start networking with big names and writers in your specific field.

Try joining Twitter chats. Follow people you admire. Approach sites relevant to you for guest posting opportunities, where you offer blog content to a bigger brand for free. In time, the bigger names will see more of your name, provided you can show them what you can do.

The best way to start is to find the bigger fish in your pond and set about offering them a fantastic first impression.

Write Like You’re an Online Authority

Finally, a point which may seem a little odd, but worth bearing in mind in anything you do in life! The saying ‘fake it until you make it’ definitely applies. This means, regardless of where you are in your journey to becoming an online authority, write content and discuss ideas as if you are already playing to a broader audience.

Confidence shows in your writing as much as it does in the way you conduct yourself. Believing in your abilities, and continuing to follow leads along the way, will allow you on the road to becoming an online authority in no time at all. Why not get started?

For further insight, read our guide to creating an authority content plan or get in touch for further advice.

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