How B2C and B2B Business Writing Target Different Audiences

How B2C and B2B business writing target different audiences
October 5, 2022 5:14 pm Published by

While effective B2C and B2B content share many similarities, there are also subtle yet important differences. Whether creating content for your blog, social posts, or email newsletters, you need to keep your audience in mind and tailor your approach to be the most effective. Below, we’ll look at the differences between the B2C and B2B business writing style and how to improve each discipline.

B2C VS B2B Business Writing Overview

B2C is short for business-to-consumer, while B2B is short for business-to-business. Business-to-consumer refers to companies that mainly offer products and services to individual consumers, while B2B companies target other businesses.

There are also what we call B2C-B2B, which refers to businesses catering to consumers and businesses.

Of course, different methods are more effective at targeting B2C or B2B customers. This is true of all types of business content, including blog articles, business pages, social posts, email newsletters, etc.

In fact, B2C and B2B content marketers will rely more heavily on different types of content that appeal to their respective audiences.

b2c business writing guide - Improve your content

B2C Business Writing Guide

You would probably think B2C business writing must be much easier than B2B. However, because you’re marketing your brand to the general public, B2C can be tricky, too.

For one, you must find the perfect balance between explaining your offering adequately and avoiding overly technical jargon. You must also find the balance between targeted and personalised content and attracting a broad audience.

Content plays a powerful role in B2C marketing. It allows you to identify with and speak directly to a massive audience. It’s no surprise that up to 80% of B2C marketers are increasing their budgets.

Social media posts (94%), blog articles (80%), and email newsletters (74%) are the most commonly used types of content by B2C marketers.

Engaging consumers is critical in B2C marketing. 76% of consumers would rather buy from a brand they feel connected to. That’s why the style and language you use and how you present yourself are so important in a B2C context.

B2C writing style and voice

Depending on the maturity of your marketing and content writing style, you probably already have a well-developed voice. As any marketing guru will tell you, a consistent and unique voice is vital for branding. It’s how you connect with your audience on a personal level and make them feel part of the “tribe.”

To some degree, your voice will be determined by your product/services and target audience. For example, you’re likely to use a very different voice for a revolutionary marketing SaaS than a bridal attire shop. However, there is always room to define your unique personality to differentiate you from the competition and engage your audience.

Tips to improve writing B2C content

Here are tips you can implement to create more effective B2C content:

  • Focus on the problem:
    What differentiates you from the competition is the problem(s) you solve.
  • Tell a story:
    Use, use cases and user journeys to identify with your audience and show them that you understand them.
  • Think benefits, not features:
    Focusing on the benefits will capture your audience’s attention better than lists of features.
  • Understand your audience:
    Your audience’s demographics will inform every aspect of your marketing content.
  • Mind the knowledge gap:
    Don’t talk down to your audience but remember that they may not have the same insider-level technical knowledge.

B2b business writing guide - Improve your content

B2B Business Writing Guide

B2B accounts typically consist of multiple decision-makers. Any procurement will also need to go through multiple levels of approval and validation. That’s why a lot more effort goes into converting a B2B sale, and this starts from your business content.

B2B business writing style involves plenty of page copy and blog post writing. However, it also regularly consists of creating press releases, white papers, case studies, or industry reports. These types of in-depth, data-driven content help establish a brand as a leading authority. It also gives leads quantifiable data and highly persuasive arguments to go further down the sales funnel.

Email marketing is also important, with 77% of B2B companies offering an email newsletter. While it may not be obvious, social marketing is also crucial. Sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are highly effective platforms to reach B2B leads and have your content shared. In fact, 70% of B2B marketers that use social media say it helps them increase sales.

As they procure products or services on behalf of an entire organization, B2B buyers are understandably highly selective. Extra effort needs to tailor your message to individual prospects and address each account’s unique needs.

Style and voice for B2B writing

Just because you are looking to attract business accounts rather than individuals doesn’t make your voice less critical. However, you should always consistently temper your language to be professional, clear, and concise.

You also have the minimum amount of time to persuade prospects in a highly competitive space. For example, you should always look for opportunities to use powerful words and concrete nouns.

While your voice should be consistent to foster familiarity with your brand, you should also alter your tone accordingly to make the maximum impact in any given context.

Tips to improve writing B2B content

B2B clientele are pressed for time and often consist of multiple decision-makers. You need consistent, concise, and clear messaging for maximum persuasion in minimum time:

  • Less is more:
    Your language should always be as specific and concise as possible. Use figures and numbers, and don’t let your message get diluted by anything non-essential.
  • Utilise powerful and concrete language:
    Use an active voice, promise concrete figures instead of vague promises, and use powerful words whenever possible.
  • Leverage social proof:
    The bar for converting business clients is very high. Social proof and word-for-mouth advertising are incredibly persuasive.
  • Don’t forget to test:
    Test and compare your campaigns with A/B testing to make informed decisions about what works.

creating successful written b2b and b2c content

Creating successful content

Whether you’re in the B2C or B2B space (or both!), there are certain things you need to create successful content:

  • Understand your audience
  • Be consistent and transparent with your voice
  • Selling benefits instead of features
  • Leverage multi-channel content strategies

B2C business writers will want to focus on mastering the ability to captivate and engage a broad audience. On the other hand, B2B writers will want to focus on highlighting the qualitative and proven benefits of their products.

We hope this blog post answers your questions. If you require additional advice, please contact us, or read more of our helpful resources and blog posts.

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