Writing Style: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding and Perfecting Your Voice

Writing Style A Comprehensive Guide to Finding and Perfecting Your Voice
March 10, 2023 10:31 am Published by

Throughout history, authors have personalised a unique writing style to express their voices and perspectives. From the formal and poetic style of William Shakespeare to the modern and conversational style of J.R.R. Tolkien, authors have used different literary genres to create unique identities and effectively communicate with their readers. By exploring different styles, writers can find their voice and better engage with their readers.

What is Writing Style?

Writing style refers to the unique and identifiable way a writer communicates ideas through the written word. It combines various elements, including language, syntax, tone, and literary devices. Blogging is more informal and casual, while business writing adopts a more formal approach.

Every writer’s style reflects their personality, experiences, cultural background, and influences. A writer’s style or ‘genre’ of writing aims to create a distinct identity for the writer and convey their message more effectively.

A writer’s style enables the reader to connect with the person of the writer, deepening the emersion into the text. It also allows writers to stand out and be recognised for their unique voices and perspective.

The significance of a writer’s style cannot be overstated. It plays a crucial role in the writing process, as it helps writers to craft their message and evoke the intended emotional response from their readers. It also enables readers to appreciate and understand the writer’s work.

By studying different styles, writers can develop their unique style and voice and improve their writing skills. A well-crafted style can make a writer’s work more engaging, memorable, and influential, making it an essential component of successful writing.

Understanding the Different Writing Styles

Understanding the Different Writing Styles

Understanding the different styles is integral to effective writing. There are several forms of writing, each with its characteristics and conventions.

Descriptive writing

A descriptive writing style aims to create a sensory experience for the reader by painting a vivid picture with words. Poets often adopt descriptive writing in their poetry.

Author J.K Rowling combines descriptive and immersive writing for her Harry Potter books. She creates a complex and fully realised world characterised by vivid imagery, evocative language, and a strong sense of atmosphere and mood.

Narrative writing

A narrative approach to writing typically includes storytelling and follows a chronological order. Ernest Hemmingway’s books adopt a narrative writing approach. He often wrote in the first person or close third person, allowing the reader to experience events through the eyes of the narrator or protagonist.

Persuasive writing

Often used in copywriting, the persuasive writing style seeks to persuade the reader to adopt a specific perspective or take a particular course of action. It uses persuasive techniques and logical arguments to persuade the reader.
Malcolm Gladwell is an example of an author who uses persuasive writing in his book “The Tipping Point.” He utilises data, anecdotes, and compelling language to convince readers that small changes can significantly impact society.

Gladwell makes a clear case for his ideas through his persuasive writing style and encourages readers to think differently about how social change happens.

Expository writing

Expository is a style which informs and educates the reader about a particular topic or subject. It’s focused on presenting information clearly and concisely, often using diagrams and illustrations to explain complex ideas. Examples of expository writing are non-fiction books, technical writing, news articles, and scientific writing.

Creative writing

Another style that emphasises imagination and artistic expression is creative writing. It can take many forms, including poetry, fiction, and non-fiction.

Famous writers have used different styles to express their thoughts and ideas throughout history. Some of the most famous authors and their unique styles include:

  •       William Shakespeare’s poetic and lyrical style in plays such as Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet;
  •       Ernest Hemingway’s terse and succinct style in The Old Man and the Sea;
  •       Maya Angelou’s autobiographical and lyrical style in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings;
  •       Charles Dickens’ detailed and evocative style in Great Expectations;
  •       John Steinbeck’s naturalistic and plainspoken style in The Grapes of Wrath;
  •       George Orwell’s satire and allegorical style in Animal Farm;
  •       F. Scott Fitzgerald’s lyrical and romantic style in The Great Gatsby;
  •       J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy and epic style in The Lord of the Rings.

Each writer’s style has unique characteristics, and writers often combine styles to create a more effective and engaging message. By understanding the different styles, writers can choose the most appropriate one for their intended message and target audience and effectively convey their ideas to their readers.

Identifying Your Writing Style

Your style is the unique and identifiable way you communicate your ideas through written language

Your writing style is the unique and identifiable way you communicate your ideas through written language. It reflects your personality, experiences, cultural background, and influences and sets you apart from other writers. Identifying your writing style is essential in developing your writing skills and finding your voice as a writer.

The first step in determining your style is to analyse your writing. Look for patterns in how you write, such as sentence structure, word choice, and tone.

  • Do you tend to use long, complex sentences or short, simple ones?
  • Which do you prefer, formal or informal language?
  • Do you use metaphors, similes, or other literary devices to create imagery and convey your message?

Identifying these patterns will help you understand your natural writing technique. Another way to identify your style is to seek feedback from others. Share your writing with trusted friends or colleagues and ask for their honest feedback. Pay attention to their comments on your writing, and look for consistent feedback across multiple sources.

This feedback will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a writer and refine your unique style.

Tips for Developing Your Writing Style

How to tips for Developing Your personal writing style

Developing your writing style is an ongoing process that involves continuous practice, reflection, and refinement. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned pro, there are always ways to improve your writing skills, build confidence, and refine your voice. Here are some tips for developing your style:

1 Read to develop your writing skills

Reading can improve your writing skills and refine your voice effectively. You expose yourself to different techniques and genres by reading widely.

Pay attention to how other writers use language, structure their writing, and convey their message. Identify the elements you admire in their writing and consider incorporating them into your writing.

2 Write regularly to build confidence

Writing regularly is essential for developing your writing skills and building confidence. Set aside time each day or week for writing and make it a habit.

Whether you’re working on a novel, short story, or blog post, the more you write, the more you’ll develop your unique style.

3 Experiment with different styles

Feel free to experiment with different writing techniques and styles. Try writing in different genres or using different literary devices to create imagery and convey your message.

This can help you develop a more versatile form and enhance your ability to communicate your ideas to your readers effectively.

4 Seek feedback from others

Getting feedback from others is crucial to developing your writing skills and refining your voice. Share your writing with trusted friends or colleagues and ask for their honest feedback.

Consider joining a writing group or workshop to get constructive feedback from other writers and gain new perspectives on your writing.

5 Revise and edit your work

Revising and editing your work is vital in developing your style. After you’ve written a draft, take time to revise and edit it to improve its clarity, flow, and coherence. This can help you refine your voice and ensure that your writing effectively communicates your ideas to your readers.

Tools and Exercises to Improve Your Writing Style

Tools and Exercises to Improve Your Writing Style

Developing your writing style is a continuous process that involves practice, exploration, and experimentation. Fortunately, numerous tools and exercises are available to help you hone your writing skills and discover your voice. Here are some tools and exercises to consider:

Writing prompts to jump-start your creativity

Writing prompts can be a great way to jump-start your creativity and inspire new ideas. Countless writing prompt websites and books are available, and you can also create your prompts based on your interests and goals. Below are a few ideas of writing prompts and exercises for new writers to practice and improve their writing;

1 Practice writing in different genres

Choose a few genres that interest you (such as poetry, science fiction, romance, or horror) and write a short piece in each genre. This can help you develop your skills in different writing styles and give you a better sense of what you enjoy writing most.

2 Write in different tones

Choose a topic and write about it in different tones. For example, write about a rainy day in a serious, melancholy tone, then write about the same rainy day in a lighthearted, humorous tone. This can help you practice using different tones and moods in your writing.

3 Experiment with sentence structure

Choose a paragraph or short passage from your writing and rewrite it with different sentence structures. For example, you might rewrite a passage using longer, more complex sentences or shorter, punchier sentences. This can help you better understand how sentence structure can impact the tone and pacing of your writing.

4 Play with voice and perspective

Choose a scene or event and write it from different perspectives (such as a first-person, third-person limited, or third-person omniscient). You might also experiment with writing from the perspective of different characters in the scene. This exercise can help you develop your skills in creating unique voices and perspectives for your characters.

5 Write in different settings

Choose a location (such as a park, a coffee shop, or a library) and write a scene that takes place in that location. Then, choose a different location and write a scene that takes place there. This can help you practice using settings to create mood and atmosphere in your writing.

Remember, the key to developing your writing technique is to practice regularly, be open to experimenting and trying new things, and have fun with the process!


There are numerous writing tools available that can help you improve your writing skills and style. For example, online grammar checkers can help you identify and correct grammatical errors, while online thesauruses can help you find synonyms and expand your vocabulary.

Apps like Scrivener or Ulysses can help you organise your writing and focus on your goals.

Writing exercises to practice specific skills

Writing exercises to practice specific skills

Writing exercises are designed to help you practice specific skills and techniques. For example, you could practice writing dialogue or description or develop your characters or setting. Here are a few writing exercises that will aid you in building and improving your style:

1 Practice descriptive writing using familiar objects

Choose an object, such as a pencil or a vase, and write a detailed description of it. Try to use sensory details (such as what it looks, feels, smells, etc.) to bring the object to life on the page.

2 Practice writing dialogue between characters

Write a short scene between two characters, focusing on the dialogue. Try to make each character’s voice unique, with its own speech patterns, vocabulary, and tone.

3 Practice writing action scenes

Write a short scene that involves some kind of action, such as a fight or a chase. Try to make the action feel vivid and immediate, with a strong sense of pace and tension.

4 Practice writing emotion

Write a scene in which a character experiences a strong emotion, such as love, anger, or fear. Try to convey the emotion through the character’s thoughts, actions, and physical sensations.

5 Practice writing in a specific style or genre

Choose a style or genre you’re not familiar with, such as horror or romance, and write a short piece in that style. This can help you expand your writing skills and experiment with new techniques.

Writing exercises can help you develop your skills and confidence and discover new approaches to writing.

Mistakes to Avoid When Developing Your Writing Style

When developing your writing style, it’s important to be aware of common pitfalls and misconceptions. One mistake is trying to emulate the style of others too closely instead of developing your unique voice.

While it’s natural to be inspired by the writing styles of other authors, emulating them too closely can be a mistake. Trying to write exactly like another author can make your writing feel forced and inauthentic and hinder your ability to develop your unique voice as a writer.

Look for elements you admire in their writing, such as their use of imagery or ability to create compelling characters and experiment with incorporating them into your writing.

Another mistake to avoid is focusing too much on the technical aspects of writing, such as grammar and syntax, at the expense of creativity and expression. It’s also important to avoid becoming too attached to a particular style and being unwilling to experiment and try new approaches.

Final Thoughts

As a writer, it’s crucial to craft a style that reflects your one-of-a-kind personality, cultural background, and experiences. Remember, your writing style is constantly evolving and should never be fixed.

With writing prompts, exercises, and helpful tools, you can sharpen your skills and take your writing to the next level. It’s also beneficial to read widely and study other writers’ styles. Pay attention to how they use language, structure their writing, and convey their message. Identify the elements you admire in their writing and consider incorporating them into your style.

Discover your unique writing voice by embracing your individuality. Don’t fall into the trap of imitating others or obsessing over technicalities – your style will naturally blossom over time with practice and experimentation. Follow these simple guidelines to unlock your full potential and unleash your inner wordsmith!

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